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Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Thank you Donald Trump

There has been lots of angry outbursts on the perceived derogatory comment credited to Donald Trump the presidential candidate in the forth coming America's election. Lots of people have really expressed their anger in many ways because they see Trumps comment as insulting to the African. Yes of a truth Trump insulted Africans, Trump was blunt but the bigger truth still remains that if you make yourself a target the Hunter will shoot at you. Trumps bluntness has earned him my support, I simply believe that goats don't bite but if you push a goat to the wall it will bite you. What Trump said is the bitter truth that we have refused to tell ourselves . It simply means that if he wins, no grants, support or help from America to Africa which will force us to think and develop as necessity is the mother of invention and the Japanese says,, good thinking, good product. We have the best from nature but we are the worst in management. The kind of leaders we have in Africa were created without conscience. A continent where one man will be so comfortable with the common wealth of the people while the rest are dying in hunger, a continent that never believes in themselves, a continent where their leaders will rather host their prostitutes than investing in education. Sincerely, we need more of these words to see if African leaders can wake up from their selfish slumber.
For the benefit of those that do not know what Donald Trump said, here is his comment. .........    

Africans Are Lazy Fools, Only Good at Eating, Lovemaking And Thuggery ..... -Donald Trump

The United States' business magnate, Donald Trump has expressed displeasure for Africans by referring to them as lazy fools only good at eating, lovemaking and thuggery.

Trump is also the republican Presidential torch bearer promised to deport all Kenya origin, Africans including president Barrack Obama as he illuminated how he plans to reconstruct America and restore its lost glory.

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